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English Lover

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June 11, 2006

*** Must-See Web Sites ***Cool
The Internet has billions of Web sites. You could spend your whole life surfing the Web and never visit them all! Are you looking for some fun and educational
sites? Don't miss out on these four!

Do you want to know the difference between the words "true" and "real"? Dictionary.com can help you! This site lists definitions from several dictionaries. It also has a thesaurus and search engine. Its simple format makes looking up words quick and easy. It's a great place to find answers to your English questions. www.dictionary.com

Internet Movie Datebase
Are you curious about what Tom Cruise's newest movie is? Or maybe you can't decide which movie to watch tonight. Check out the Internet Movie Datebase.
This site has information on more than 400,000 movies. Here, you can look at the credits of a movie to see who directed it. You can write what you think about a movie. You can even watch movie trailers. The site also lists information on all your favorite movie stars. By the way, Tom Cruises's next movie is Mission: Impossible III. WWW.imdb.com

Brad Pit was a waiter in his first movie role.
A: True.

idiomsite.com / eslcafe.com / Englishclub.com / in a thesaurus / the closing credits / preview = tralier

What words have similar meanings to the word "wonderful"? Look them up in a theasurus.

search engine
Ginny used a search engine to find Web sites about C.S. Lewis.

This hospital has a datebase with information on all its patients.

The credits for this movie appear at the beginning, not at the end.

When I saw a trailer for the new Mel Gibson movie, I knew I wanted to see the movie.



More entries: Must-See Web Sites II, Must-See Web Sites I, 2006 Summer's Must-See Movies II, 2006 Summer's Must-See Movies I

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