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January 15, 2009

When I was a young child, I was always delighted to stand in front of the Creperie of the Yaohan Mall, seeing how the crepes were cooked and staring at those colorful displays of various flavors of crepes.

Today, I don't have to watch the crepes being cooked in front of a crepes stall, because Cynthia has bought a professional Crepe Maker and invited Chile and I to make crepes at her place after lunch.


Traditionally, the most difficult part of cooking crepes is to spread the batter evenly. Thanks to the well-equipped Crepe Maker, even though all of us are beginners, we were able to make the crepes in perfect shapes. The crepes were even, round and as thin as paper! It was fun to use the batter spreader, flip the pancakes, and prepare different fillings.

Spreading the batter on the stove evenly with the wooden scraper 


The sweet crepe opened up with bananas and chocolate on it


The amazing thing about crepes is its compatibility with different fillings. It can be filled with meat, vegetable, cheese, eggs etc. as a main meal or filled with fruit, nuts, ice cream, jam etc. as a dessert.  You can use your creativity to cook different crepes for different occasions. Today we made 2 flavors of sweet crepes for our dessert, one filled with bananas and chocolate, the other one filled with a mixture of sugar, sesames, peanuts and coconuts. They tasted as good as expected. We all think that we should cook some new Asian style crepes next time.

January 15, 2009

Seattle is well-known for its rainy weather. The rainy season is from fall all the way until summer, so you almost have to be prepared with an umbrella every single day. If you can't handle the everlasting rain, mist and gray sky, Seattle is probably not a place for you to live.
After living in Seattle for one year, I have learned to enjoy the sunshine whenever I can. Though fall is already here, we were so lucky to have a beautiful sunny weekend, so Mason and I decided to visit the Cougar Mountain Zoo.
Cougar is a super star in this zoo. We attempted for a more close up picture of the cougar but this super star was way too proud to greet us. How rude!   


This White Tiger is one of my favourite animals in the Zoo. I would hardly move my eyes away from its beautiful blue eyes and amazing pattern of vertical brown stripes overlaying its snowy white fur.
White Tiger

"Oh Deer!" cried a voice from a little boy beside me. Yes, oh "dear", this baby deer is as adorable and as gentle as the deers in the "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" cartoon! I can't believe that I could pet a baby deer. I have already started missing her. 


Crown Cranes earn its name by its yellowish feathers on the back of their heads.  

Crown Crane

I was amazed to see how well the parrots spoke to me, and they also performed tricks well.  


After today, both Mason and I think we should visit the North West Wildlife Park, where you can see and experience wildlife more closely by tram touring in their natural habitat.