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Kink up hopes when u r stuck in depression

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August 24, 2006

on the horizon

  • def : 
  1. in the future , what will happen next , what is yet to come , what is planned.
  2. it's used in times of change , when u've finished one thing and are about to start sth else. It refers to the future.
  •  E.G.
  1. Leonord is headed to a manager's meeting to discuss what's on the horizon for the company.
  2. We just broke up and I'm scared I'll never find love again. I just don't know what's on the horizon.

More entries: [:: hands-on::] 7 Sep '06, [::Forgive me ::] - 29.Aug, [::On The Horizon ::] - 24Aug'06, [::long drive::]- 19 Aug '03

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