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November 20, 2009

Hey Everybody...


How are you doing?


I've Examination. I will contact you later. 

Take care.

November 18, 2009

Hey Everybody...


How are you doing?


I've Examination. I will contact you later. 

Take care.

November 9, 2009

Wow Wow Wow......

Is it a dream or real that you have sent message me ?
Thank you very much.

Mr.Jason, I'm doing M.A English Literature in India. I wanna get more marks in my Examination. I'm sure that our lesson is quite helpful to me.

Sir, Could you help me how to write an Essay? Please Give me a modal Essay....(how to write synopsis, titles, Introduction, conclusion, especially the body of essay- 10 marks essay)(Give a sample Essay please)

My Exam starts next week.

Thank you Mr.Jason.