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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

April 22, 2014

More entries: Real friend, Molana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (19), sheykh safi ad-din ardabili (2), 10 Mistakes Managers Make During Job Interviews, Bless the prophet (1)

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04:59 AM Jul 19 2014

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

you're welcome

01:16 AM Jul 19 2014


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Nice to know, thank you :)

06:29 AM Jul 17 2014

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Pari Chehrehsa

Designer - Artist - Teacher at Cochrane High school

 Calgary  University of Canada she is an Artist and Master of Design

10:17 AM Jul 16 2014


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

who is Pari Chehrehsa? 

10:16 AM Jul 16 2014


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

By the way, "Sama'a" doesn't mean Sama or the universe, Samā in general etymology it originates from Arabic and means "listening", Sufism believes it as a special kind of listening and singing some kinds of zekr (ذکر ) and prforme a special dance at the same time.

07:17 AM Jul 16 2014


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

well, thanks for text, however, i know it in theory :)

i need a real experience, bcoming one soul and being in another universe or becoming all universe and reaching to the real spiritual peace can be accomplished by a true and correct form of the"saying prayars"as well, like what Ali (as) had done. a true Namaz can do like that, you know, i wanna discover the secret in it ;)

05:52 AM Jul 16 2014

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

The Sama Dancemoreby Pari Chehrehsa  “Sama” meaning “the Universe” is a dance that allows the dancer to become focus in the inner spiritual world of himself/herself and as the result become able to connect with the universe though Sama’s unique choreography moves. The main move of Sama is a continues turn of the dancer/worshiper. The dancer would turns around a circle and also turns around himself/herself until feels the meditation is happening. This is an act of improvisation and it continues until she feels her presence with God and she sees herself as part of the network of the Universe. Once connected, there is no Me or You exist, it is all one soul. Humans, plants, the sky, the water, the air, the fire, the stars, the mountains, the animals, the planets, etc. are the same; they are all the manifestation of God in different faces.

02:47 AM Jul 16 2014


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Meditations or sth like that tries to increase your attention on inner peace, but "Sama'a" from a Aref's point is to accept the invitation of God, it has a deep meaning and origin in Mysticism, it means more than meditation for them, they claim its a way to go to trance and be in another place, something like what a medium does to see ghosts or be in the other worlds :)

02:38 AM Jul 16 2014


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

you are kinda right. it has sort of meditation too, but it needs a perfect and strong belief which you cant find in any kinds of easy-steps meditations like yuga.

12:27 PM Jul 14 2014

Iran, Islamic Republic Of


In my opinion this is a way to find inner peace

but I think every person shoud has her/his method to find inner peace

someone with ''Sama Dance''

someone with pray

and  also perhaps an other strange way

12:19 PM Jul 14 2014

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I think this is what the western call "meditation" but in a spiritual atmosphere

07:50 AM Jul 14 2014


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

yeah..i see..in Tehran, there are some places like Khanghah, i know one but you know, i never dare to go there, however, im really curious to see sth in person.

07:32 AM Jul 14 2014

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Look at the above photo

that is the ceremony in Turky

07:24 AM Jul 14 2014

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

You know.... I'm not an expert on this but I know there is a special ceremony in Turky every year

infact that is the anniversary of molana in Turky in which the sufies participate and dance

some years I watch that ceremony on Turkish chanals such as TRT

07:09 AM Jul 14 2014


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

im really eager to know something practical about that, something more than reading or writing, but i dont know any Sufi or any place like Khanghah to go and have an experince in person, do you know someone who can help?

07:02 AM Jul 14 2014

Iran, Islamic Republic Of


I think we can't understand that kind of thinks by watching or reading about that

perhaps we shoud  have an experience

02:50 PM Jul 13 2014


Iran, Islamic Republic Of

So happy to hear from you :)

By the way, its always been interesting to me to know how Sufis can go into a deep trance by this kind of dance?!! and im almost sure they can. But it has a secret in it, maybe using a kind of electromagnetic energy of fast motions..haha...just kidding ;)

03:01 AM Jul 13 2014

Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Hello Hazelgirl

Thank you very much

I'm very Busy Nowadays

I'm not sufi but I like Molana and his poems  :-))

His poems are very Expressive and  Meaningful and  Significant

04:29 AM Jul 02 2014


Iran, Islamic Republic Of




you are Sufi i think..haha :)))