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October 4, 2009

I'm an ordinary human, and as such, I got dreams..

A dream to be a better person, to get the success on my carrer, to be happy.......

And... why do they never become true? I just have to say: I'm tired of running after them.

"Never give up!", "Do your best!", "Try harder on this!", "You can, I know!".... these expressions seem  to be so senseless....actually they make no sense at all...

It's easy to say... but difficult to do....

Why do we live? I can't find the answer... The only thing I can do is.... keep dreaming.... wishing something will never become true....

I'm a dreamer :(

10:39 PM Oct 04 2009


Don't forget to take a pray...

October 1, 2009

I'd like to talk about self-interested people for awhile.

self-interested: those people who use and abuse someone else in order to get what they want.

 Nowadays, it's not rare to find a self-interested person, unfortunately, and needless to say, it's getting more and more difficult to find someone who is reliable, someone who really cares about you.

 These times, we realize how much our family is important to our lives, as well our real friends. Even though we disappoint them, make mistakes, blame them, they're always there to give us support and comfort us.

I mean, when we do something to someone else, we wait for some reward, and I'm not talking about either money nor material stuffs. The cosideration which I'm talking about is their thaks.

I just think this way: I helped you today, you were in a difficult time, and then, tomorrow, when I am in troubles, it would be very nice to have your support... But what the most of the people do is turn their back, and go away.......

It's awful... completely awful.......this is the world where I live..........


We can be born alone, die alone..... but we cannot live alone, anyway.............

08:22 PM Oct 01 2009



hey glassy heart , thanks for your comment ^^

I just like when people leave their comments on my blogs. It do makes sense, after all, I can see that people are reading my entries :P

It's also awesome that you think the same way as me. Thank you!

07:37 PM Oct 01 2009

glassy heart
Saudi Arabia

hey i nice topic u write her,

i have read most of ur blogs , i like it, and i feel the sam as u

thx that u let me know their is others think the way i think,but my probelm is im no sharing my experince like u , i found writting defficult  and i hope to improve it

September 30, 2009

Yeah.... I feel like summer is on its way, but it's still september..... =/

I say this because I feel OK now....

A few months ago, I've felt depressive, and I've been diving in too deep into the sadness sea.

yes... believe me, I used to cry alone very often. kinda frustrade about my life... so senseless :(..... everything seemed to be going wrong

Work, study, problems and so ones which seemed to never get to the end

But fortunately, I could go through this, and here I am, feeling better than never! (I guess)

Well, what can I say about that? Sadness and happiness....... we have good moments in our lives, as well bad ones..... it's just a matter how we solve them (or the way we face them).

Hope this feeling is not just a temporary one. I wish, of course, it can stay by my side forever :)


Summer is on its way.... yeah... it is...