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English Teacher's Helpful Hints

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tutorheatherSuper Member!

United States

March 26, 2012

Not just beauty, which can be so rare
that a face can linger on for centuries,
or ships are launched,
set into motion merely
by the slope of a female face
the arch of a brow, or
the silent tumble of an eyelash onto a cheek.

Not only that.
But the ability to create
another human form
by the pure instinct of reproduction,
the ticks and whorls
of genes and cells
as they divide and assemble
month after month,
until a new person is born
with fingers and toes,
and an imagination just taking shape.

All of this, but still more --
the sheer number of the responsibilities
taken, and contributions given,
swim like fish upstream
where men stand still
at river's edge, dreaming of
freedom, a warm supper,
or the slip of a silken
strap from the shoulder of a woman.
They cast their nets and reel in lines
morning after morning,
as women swaddle their young, instruct the future,
and dream of love, just love.

All of this,
the world, and
our significance
within it
is just a dream,
and we're merely dying.
Women close their eyes,
taking with them
their thoughts and wishes;
Men awake, only to find
beauty has gone.

                                                                 by tutorheather

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01:56 AM Mar 28 2012


:) After reading the poem, I woke my Mom and kissed her:)

07:38 AM Mar 27 2012



If men really knew the true importance of women, they would have never let them wish for anything.

...Thanks for sharing this poem with us, tutorHeather

( :

12:59 AM Mar 27 2012



Were you talking about the man who thinking about his dead mom, ms Tutor heater? Nice poem indeed :)