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lower their guard

lower their guard

Date: Jan 11 2007


1. Quote - Listen to the quote and guess what the slang means.

“By himself being anti-Semitic, he lets people lower their guard and expose their own prejudice.”

Sacha Baron Cohen talking about his character Borat.


1. Definition - Study the definition.

become comfortable; lose their inhibitions; feel trusting; feel like they can be themselves

2. Use - Learn how the slang is used.

Sacha Baron Cohen is explaining how Borat gets people to expose their real feelings.

People lower their guard in many situations. One of the most common scenarios is when we are in love. Once you start trusting someone, you lower your guard and start opening up to that person.

In general, when you don’t trust someone, you will keep certain things to yourself. But once you trust them, you lower your guard.

Some people never lower their guard. These people appear to be quite serious, quiet, reticent, and even mysterious.

Drinking alcohol or using recreational drugs often causes people to lower their guard. They lose their inhibitions and may dance like crazy or declare their love for someone or run through the streets naked. Now that’s lowering your guard!


1. Examples - Hear some example sentences.

“Alcohol causes people to lower their guard. They often do things they would never do sober.”

“He got me to lower my guard and then he told Samantha everything that I said about her!”

“When Hollywood actors lower their guard with the media, their private lives end up in the papers.”


1. Winners - See who guessed the slang definition correctly.

Relax when commenting on something, expose viewpoint whatever you like.
by cynthiachunyan
to stop being careful about what you say,to become less precautionary
by nadialna
rudzienka it means to make them less scared of us, so that they tell us more about them
by rudzienka
云淡风轻 be less cautious
by 云淡风轻
lower their guard means not to be afraid, controlled or hesitate.
by thuhuong
ahameed it means surrender
by ahameed
natural and reluxing
by Hugh Marr
sara06 Lower their guard mean to not be afraid from talking about your opinion loud and confidence without hypocrisy.
by sara06
"Lower thir guard" means: express own opinion and in the same time be disposed to tolerate and accept the opinions of the other people.
by svjetlana.m
feel at ease
by LO
JazzThing Because Borat expresses his anti-Semitic thoughts, other people he meets aren`t afraid anymore of showing their own anti-Semitic attitudes, they feel save as there is someone who shares their racist thinking.
by JazzThing
be open, not worrying much.
by chilena12
Yousef to talk and express themselves freely to express their inner thoughts
by Yousef
kai_ng1 dont be shy to tell the truth.
by kai_ng1
Karenshine i suppose letting people lower their guard be letting people relax, forget or pay no attention to what they care about usually.
by Karenshine
It means to humiliate smb., to reduce or deminish smb's protection.
by Olichka
reduce the protection
by Everwelwisher
relax,do something without thinking about it
by changawy

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06:56 AM Jun 02 2015 |



We must lower our guard when want commited relationships

07:28 PM Jan 14 2007 |




oh… Everwelwisher(Tahir) Great!!! your Guess of todays slang is Perfect… I am Happy being your Friend Tahir

06:16 AM Jan 11 2007 |



English Baby Helps me to learn more…Tahir

06:14 AM Jan 11 2007 |

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