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Life Talk!

what happen after you die




What do you think? When you die everything ends or a new life exists. Where do you go? Some people say if you are a bad person you will go to the hell but I think that here in the earth we are living the hell and if you are a bad person you will pay here.

09:39 PM Dec 30 2007 |

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I totally argree with Markchina, I mean I don't need to be affraid of any God to be a good person, for some people you can kill and still be a good person, well that doesn't work for me, I just don't hurt others, under no circumstances.  I am a good person, and my purpose is to be as good as I can, so there you have it minora;  and come to think about it, it feels really good not being affraid, thank you very much. Smile

Peace, Ale

11:10 PM Jan 02 2008 |




Well Alebaby you don´t need to be affraid of God if you are a good person but you have to be affraid if you are a bad person because at the end He is going to judge you. I think is that Minora wanted to say.

12:18 AM Jan 03 2008 |



So, your point is that a cat, a dog or a bird do not have brain, so they cannot think how great is allah… So, how does a cat know that she must eat to survive, how does a dog know where his food plate is? Dont animals have any brain at all? If that is so, if you think that people are greater than animals only because they have the illusion of a god, then you are wrong. The True God is Nature, and Animals are the only who know it, so they have a better brain than hunans.

07:35 PM Jul 24 2008 |




different people believe different ideas about where we will go after we die, but me as a muslim guy, We believe that real muslims who believe allah or god and followed his orders will go to paradise, and bad people even whom are muslims who doesnot follow allah's order will go hell.

08:07 PM Jul 24 2008 |