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Life Talk!

What is 'successful marriage'




 All of us use word 'successful marriage',what are essentaials of it & which marriage you call a successful marriage ?

Do you feel that a couple living together under one roof , for whole of the life can be called successful marriage.

05:35 PM Apr 26 2008 |

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 yes,dev in this age, there are a lot of negatif situation and these are destroying families.who he or she succeses being strong like iron or steel can be happy and can save his-her family to be broken.elhamdülillah, we have a community in which there are a lot of friends living islam strongly like iron, so it is easier to protect ourselves from the risks coming outside.



Happy family life is perpetuated through mutual confidence between husband and wife, and heartfelt respect and love. Immodest dress and free-and-easy behaviour destroy the confidence, and spoil the mutual respect and love. For out of ten women who favour immodest dress only one will not try to make herself liked by strangers because she does not find other men more attractive than her husband. Nine out of ten will find others better than their husbands. And only one out of twenty men will not find other women more attractive. Then besides the true love and mutual respect disappearing, it may arouse extremely ugly and base feelings, as follows:

By nature, men do not feel any lust towards those within the stipulated degrees of kinship like their sisters, because, since such relatives’ faces induce kindness and licit love due to their close kinship, it nullifies any sexual or lusty inclinations. But to leave uncovered parts of the body which according to the Shari’a it is not permissible to expose to close relatives like the legs, may give rise to the awakening of extremely ugly feelings in men of low character. Because the face of a close relative reminds the man of that close kinship and does not resemble the face of someone outside the degrees of kinship, but a bare leg is the same as that of canonical strangers. Since the leg does bear any distinguishing mark to recall the close kinship of its owner, it is possibile it will arouse carnal feelings in the man. And to look on things such as that is a degenerateness that makes one’s hair stand on end.

03:06 PM Apr 27 2008 |




A successful marriage is that in which two partners become one life in two bodies.


09:39 PM Apr 27 2008 |




I think a couple who lives in one roof can't be automatically called 'succesfull marriage'. 'Succesfull marriage' is only a 'called' temporary, since It's very hard to define it! We can't say 'succesful marriage' for a couple living together for some years, have understanding each other, loves, and respect! 'coz we don't know what happen with its couple next?. I often see a couple who called it, but after 15 years then they divorced! And people suprised and shocked since people thought they were happy couple! But anyway, i only can say if there is a couple who lives together with loving, respect, understanding & caring each other till death do them apart, so they can be called 'succesful marriage'.Wink

12:46 AM Apr 28 2008 |




There are so many people who are living successful married life but nobody wants to tell what it is…?why it is so ? I feel all feel shy of it to explain.

I feel successful marriage is that in which a couple lives under one roof fighting ,loving ,having common children to beat & love,husband having only one enemy in the world that is wife  & wife too has only one enemy to fight with that's husband.

Inspite of all that is said they live in togetherness & never imagine to get apart.They can afford everything but not a divorce.This is the real successful marriage.

05:16 PM Apr 28 2008 |



Saudi Arabia


 dev , 

you are against marriage all the time  . very negative ideas you have  .





04:15 AM Apr 29 2008 |

dua iman

dua iman


i think a successful married life is where both the partners understand each other very closely,,,each other's likes,dislikes, feelings on certain situations, ignoring misunderstandings and little offensive things,,,,,if they do so, it helps them handling different situations regarding each other's moods…all it can lead to a good and successfull life togather

04:59 AM Apr 29 2008 |




I am not against marriage,I am against hypocracy.We show our polished faces before the society,hiding the original ones,we live double lives,we live against the spirit of our religion,we interpret religion according to our suitabilities & yet claim to be the original followers of thr religion,I wish to see our original face,religious face existential face.

01:26 AM Apr 30 2008 |



Dua Iman,

you have beautiful definiation of marrisge,but most of us don't live this type of marriage.

01:29 AM Apr 30 2008 |



i agree with POP, sometimes, a happy marriage could be "temporary", it's a phase, not a life style, and you never know what happened behind the close door, do you.

 my grandparents have been living together for more than 30 years, and my grand mother don't think my grand father really "fits "her, she told me in person that the secert to a long-last (note: not " happy", but "long-last") marriage is compromise.

03:24 AM Apr 30 2008 |

dua iman

dua iman


if some people are not living that kind of life,some others are doing so as well.it does not happens in all cases….. this forum is about the idea of successful married life,so i gave mine…people can better their married lives if they try a little to cope up with their life partner

05:25 AM Apr 30 2008 |