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Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing

Date: Apr 15 2003


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

Hi Friends!
Rock climbing is one of the coolest sports there is. Experienced rock climbers can do some truly impressive things. They can go up shear cliff faces that look like they’d be impossible to climb. I’m always impressed when I meet people who rock climb.
Have you ever been rock climbing? I haven’t gone yet, but I’m getting more and more intrigued by the sport. Anna went for the first time last week, but it’s hard to tell if she enjoyed it. You’ll have to listen to her conversation with Beth and judge for yourself.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Anna:  Beth, remember a couple weeks ago I told you I was taking that mountaineering class?

Beth:  Oh yeah. How is it going?

Anna:  Last Saturday we had our first rock climbing experience. Have you ever rock climbed?

Beth:  I have, but not for a very long time. How was it?

Anna:  It was wet and cold and I slipped, but I had a, one of those safety ropes, which is actually kinda nice to fall because it gave you the security that the rope would catch you. Eventually I made it up to the top and had a pretty good time.

Beth:  What was your favorite part? Did you like climbing up or, uh, belaying down – er, rappelling down?

Anna:  Um, definitely climbing up. There was something called a prusik where you just actually would climb up a rope as opposed to climbing up the rock. I liked that a little bit better. The rappelling down freaked me out. What’s your favorite part?

Beth:  I like going down because it feels really cool to have your back out, and your, your body towards the rock, but it’s also a little bit scary and you have to overcome your fear.

Anna:  I think I need a little bit more practice before I like to rappel.



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Anna doesn’t sound especially fired up about her rock climbing experience. I’m not sure if she’s going to do it again or not. I don’t know if she’s nervous and scared, or she just didn’t like it.
One of my good friends does a lot of rock climbing. He’s been doing it for several years, so he’s able to do some terrifying climbs. I get sketched out just watching him, because it looks so dangerous.
Have a great week!


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