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President Obama

President Obama

Date: Nov 07 2008

Themes: History, News

Grammar: Comparatives and Superlatives


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

Earlier this week, in cities all across America and the world, people poured into the streets to dance and celebrate the election of Barack Obama as the next President of the United States.

Although he was favored to win, you never know what will happen on election day. Sometimes the person who is behind in the polls wins. But Tuesday went better than expected for Obama. He won in a landslide victory.

Mason and Marni are big Obama supporters, and they’re still excited that he won.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Mason:  I can’t get the smile off my face.

Marni:  I know! It’s like a new day. I feel like the sun is up even though it’s pouring rain out. It just doesn’t matter.

Mason:  So I’m kind of hoping that the cloud of happiness sticks around for the next four or eight years.

Marni:  Right, yeah. Well, I think that there was so much…This election really did feel vital to a lot of people, whatever party affiliation you signed up with. There was a huge effort to register new voters and get out the vote, more so than, I think, in previous elections because it really did feel like a do or die situation.

Mason:  Well, and I was totally struck by the cultural influence, even on both sides, but particularly Obama just spurred this wealth of creative movement about people doing…

Marni:  Yeah.

Mason:  I’ve seen more different kinds of posters and stickers and t-shirts, just people making things to express their enthusiasm, their passion for him and for this particular election.

Marni:  He’s one of the younger presidents we’ve had in a long time, so I think there’s sort of that renewed spirit of youth in the White House and also just with younger voters. He gets pop culture more so than McCain.


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Marni and Mason hope the excitement so many people feel over Obama’s victory lasts throughout his presidency. And it just might because it was a particularly inspired campaign. People found ways to express their enthusiasm through arts and crafts.

But without a doubt, Obama appealed to younger voters like Mason and Marni because his campaign made use of technologies like social networks and email to stay in touch with America’s tech-savvy youth. It also didn’t hurt that he had the support of many celebrities.

Did you expect Obama to win? Were people excited about it where you live? What do you think Obama’s victory will mean for the world?
Hey! Check out the lessons we recorded for other possible outcomes of the election on our blog!



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I do not know of Obama, but I am sure he will be the inauguration of the United States to bring a new situation

09:26 AM Nov 07 2008 |



Changes bring advances.

but i doubt that  it will come to USA really.


 by the way.

Syamsul Hellal

we chinese remeber the slaughter in 1998,and you


Chinese love peace.but don't think that we are carven.

08:19 AM Nov 07 2008 |



anyway, I don't know him very much. As I'm so far away from him. I don't care much about who is the president of the USA as I'm Chinese.

08:00 AM Nov 07 2008 |



we hope that he is a  new president for peace and harmony  for all over the world.

07:04 AM Nov 07 2008 |




He can change nothing. He will just do what his boss want him to do. The president is only an agency of the big Interest Group. No one dare to break the rule, or he will become a dead fish. Kennedy had set a real example.

06:24 AM Nov 07 2008 |


South Korea

will change the world better? i hope that much

05:41 AM Nov 07 2008 |

Syamsul Hellal


Hi friends,

How are you today? I hope you all feel great to know Barack Obama becomes the new President of the USA. We hope Barack will do much better than Mr. Bush and he can fulfil the promise for the change.

Hi friends all over the world, what would you expect Barack to do for the peace of the world? Give your comments here.


Syamsul Hellal

Jakarta – Indonesia


05:11 AM Nov 07 2008 |

Syamsul Hellal


Congratulations Barack Obama> You are now the President.

All Indonesia people are very happy to welcome you as the new President of the USA and we wait you to come and visit Jakarta to see the schools of your childhood.


Syamsul Hellal

04:58 AM Nov 07 2008 |




cool. i like he better than bush.

04:20 AM Nov 07 2008 |



I am kind of hoping that the cloud of happiness sticks around for the next four or eight years.

03:58 AM Nov 07 2008 |



Obama 's chrasm, his energy and his voice  help him to be elected as the president of America. anyway, this campain is not olny a vital one in the history of America, but also in the whole world. Let's wait and see how the America and the whole world change from now on.

02:00 AM Nov 07 2008 |



Obama 's chrasm, his energy and his voice  help him to be elected as the president of America. anyway, this campain is not olny a vital one in the history of America, but also in the whole world. Let's wait and see how the America and the whole world change from now on.

02:00 AM Nov 07 2008 |


Saudi Arabia

AM SOOO HAPPY becuse he promise to make the CHANGE & thats what people need in USA


01:40 AM Nov 07 2008 |




Nice to see a new change not only for the US but also for the world. :)

01:39 AM Nov 07 2008 |

Josh K

Josh K


great victory, really nice, world has changed, im happy

01:10 AM Nov 07 2008 |

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