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Quitting Smoking
Quitting Smoking

Learn Contractions and Abbreviations

Date: Feb 03 2012

Themes: Health

Grammar: Contractions and Abbreviations


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2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

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It’s easy to start smoking. But quitting is a different story. Many people want to quit smoking for their health, their skin or their families. But it takes a lot of willpower to stick to it.

There are a lot of different tools and methods to help people quit smoking. Hear Amy tell Marni about one of the strangest methods she’s heard of for quitting smoking.



1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Amy:  I just heard of the craziest way to quit smoking.

Marni:  Really? Do tell.

Amy:  A good friend of mine was hypnotized.

Marni:  Really?

Amy:  Yes! And she really believes that it has worked. I mean, she hasn’t had a cigarette in six months.

Marni:  Was she a smoker for long? I mean, was she really…

Amy:  Years and years, yes.

Marni:  Wow. OK. That’s fascinating. You know, I know a lot of people who have quit smoking, a lot of friends and family. And they’ve all tried various methods, but I have actually never known anyone who’s done hypnosis, so I think that’s really interesting. I mean I’ve had friends who’ve gone cold turkey, which…I just really admire them, because they stuck to it, and I know it was hard.

Amy:  Do you think some of those tools can help, like the patch or that kind of thing?

Marni:  You know, I think it’s probably just dependent on the person, and I think some people have a strong willpower and a real desire to quit. And I’ve known people who have literally been like, “This is stupid,” and stopped and never gone back. But then I’ve known people that have also needed a patch or, you know, have used those fake cigarettes, those electronic ones, for that hand-to-mouth contact, to sort of ween them off that. And the whole thing is just very fascinating to me. I have to be honest, it makes me really grateful that I was never a smoker.

Amy:  Definitely.


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Amy tells Marni about a friend of hers who was hypnotized in order to quit smoking. She was a smoker for many years, but it’s now been six months since she had a cigarette.

Marni says she knows many people who have tried to quit smoking. They’ve tried lots of different methods, from using fake cigarettes to going cold turkey. She thinks it takes a lot of willpower and a strong desire to quit smoking.

Have you ever tried to quit smoking? What advice would you give someone who wanted to stop smoking?



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The easiest way for me to quit smoking was to find a person who decided the same. It is easy to do something, when you are not alone. 

10:06 AM Feb 04 2012 |




 Smoking is not good for health , that’s everybody knows , but why still have a lot of people somking

09:42 AM Feb 04 2012 |




Tongue out

09:39 AM Feb 04 2012 |



I don’t smoke ,i am g girl.In China,girls don’t smoke,I mean slmost.But I like women who smoking,I think it is sexy.

08:30 AM Feb 04 2012 |




If you’re hooked on smoking, it’s very difficult to quit since it’s a habit like eating tasty food or compulsive shopping. All these habits give pleasure. The more you smoke, the stronger your habit. Eventually, even the slightest view, smell, color associated with smoking, will get you to get a cigarette. It’s an addiction which gives us a reward of satisfaction. So, how to trick the brain when you want to quit. Willpower work, but not everyone has it. There should be a different reward. Step by step, for example, after not smoking for some time, you’ll buy an mp3 player, or get a gift certificate or go to the theatre or something else what you like.

And I agree with Allan Izag that a set-up-your-mind therapy is also beneficial. If you write on a piece of paper that won’t be smoking, how smoking is bad for your health, how it makes you older and all those bad effect that smoking can do to you and read it every day for 3 times, it might also help. This reading creats a new path in new brain, but that reading should be consistent and persistent.

P.S. Honestly, I like when men smoke and don’t like when women do.

04:47 AM Feb 04 2012 |




I hate this bad habit, I know a lot of people that is trying to quit smoking but when they feel stressed out, they relapse again. I understand if the cigarette wouldn’t exist, many people could die, but They should think in their health and don’t do it in excess.

04:37 AM Feb 04 2012 |

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allan Izaguirre

Costa Rica

I have a friend who quit smoking  a long time ago.He went to a prayer meeting of a charismatic group.Then, one lady laid hands on him and prayed for him.Days later, he realized that he didn’t have the craving. Besides, he didn’t have the shakes that usually follows smoke quiting. From then on, he was relieved from that burden.Jesus took away his vice.Having a spiritual encounter with christ is a wonderful way to quit smoking.It’s just a simple thing for God to take away our vices.Not only smoking but alcohol, drugs etc.God does care for us and if we ask him to help us get rid of our vices, he is mighty enough to heal us. 

04:23 AM Feb 04 2012 |

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Syrian Arab Republic

russia is killing the syrian people by supporting the dictator
منشور مترجم إلى سبع لغات | A translated post into seven languages
يرجى نشر هذه المنشورات على الصفحات العربية والانجليزية والفرنسية والاسبانية والألمانية والتركية، وأهم شيء الروسية، طبعاً حسب كل لغة، الهدف هو توعية العالم عما تفعله ‘‘روسيا’’ من دعم بالسلاح للنظام الأسدي:
السلاح الروسي يخترق أجساد أطفالنا ونسائنا في سوريا جهارا نهاراً ! والدعم المعنوي في مجلس الأمن يعطل كل حل يحمي السوريين من إجرام الطاغية المحمي من الحكومة الروسيه!
مما يجعل الحكومة الروسية شركاء ومحرضين للحكومة السورية على قتل الأطفال وتخريب الاقتصاد وحرق البيوت ونهب الثروات! فمن ينظر إلى الشوارع السورية الحزينة فلا يرى إلا السلاح الروسي في شوارعها فالدبابات والمدرعات والرشاشات والقاذفات والروسيات كلها في الشوراع السورية بأيدي الشبيحة والأجهزة القمعية الطائفية
فاين ضمير الحكومة الروسية في كل ما يحصل في سوريا؟ واين قيمهم وتاريخهم وحضارتهم من كل هذا الأجرام الذي فاق النازية ؟!
In English
The Russian ammunitions are penetrating our children and women’s bodies publicly in all around Syria beside the moral support for Syrian regime in United Security Council disrupt any solution to protect the Syrian people from the dictator crimes, which supported by Russian regime. This makes the Russian regime a partner and instigator of the Syrian regime in killing children, destructing the economy, demolishing homes and looting of wealth!
Looking at suffering Syrian streets, you will only see Russian arms everywhere from tanks, armed vehicles, and machine guns to Rocket-Powered Grenade and Kalashnikovs among hands of thugs and repressive sectarian groups.
Where is the conscience of the Russian government in what is happening in Syria?
Where are their values, history and civilization from all of these crimes in Syria which exceeded the Nazism?!
In French
Les balles russes traversent les corps de nos enfants et femmes en Syrie, jour et nuit! Le soutien moral du Conseil de Sécurité empêche toute solution qui peut protéger les Syriens de la brutalité du tyran qui est soutenu par le gouvernement russe! Cela fait d’eux des alliés du régime pour le motiver à commettre des assassinats contre les enfants, ainsi que détruire l’économie, incendiant les maisons et voler les richesses du pays!
Quiconque qui ose entrer dans les tristes rues syriennes ne verra que les armes russes, puisque les chars, fusils, mitrailleuses, grenades, sont aux mains de shabih (bandes pro-régime) et les forces répressives du régime, dont le seul but est de semer les conflits ethniques dans le pays. Où est la conscience du gouvernement russe à les événements en Syrie? Où sont leurs principes, son histoire, et sa civilisation devant tous les meurtres qui ont subi des crimes du régime nazi?
In German
Russischen Waffen dringen in die Körper unserer Kinder und Frauen in Syrien, am helllichten Tag! Und moralische Unterstützung im Sicherheitsrat verzögert jede Lösung schützt die syrischen Tyrannen der Kriminalität von der russischen Regierung geschützt!
macht die russische Regierung Partnern und Anstifter der syrischen Regierung, die Kinder zu töten und die Zerstörung der Wirtschaft und das Verbrennen von Häusern und Plünderungen des Reichtums! Es ist auf den Straßen Syriens traurig zu sehen und nicht sehen nur die russischen Waffen in den Straßen, Panzer und gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, Maschinengewehre und Granatwerfer und russischen Straßen, die alle in den Händen der syrischen Cbihh Hard-und repressive sektiererischen
FINE Gewissen der russischen Regierung, was in Syrien geschieht? Und wo ihre Werte, Geschichte und Kultur aller Objekte, die die Nazis überschritten
In Russian
Российские пули проникают в наших детей и женщин, публично во всех уголках Сирии, а так же убивает моральная поддержка сирийского режима в Соединенном Совете Безопасности, что не дает принять какоелибо решение для защиты сирийского народа от диктатора и режима. , которые поддерживает Россия. Это делает Россииский режим партнером и инициатором сирийского режима в убийстве детей, разрушении экономики, домов и разграбление богатства страны !
Глядя на сирийские улицы, вы увидите только русское оружие, везде, от танков, бронетехники и пулеметов до Ракетно
Силовых гранат и автоматов Калашникова в руках бандитов и репрессивных сектантских групп.
Где совесть и чувства русского правительства o том, что происходит в Сирии?
Где их ценности, история и цивилизация, от всех этих преступлений в Сирии, которые превысили нацизм ?
In Spanish
Las balas rusas atraviesan los cuerpos de nuestros niños y mujeres en Siria día y noche! El apoyo moral del Consejo de Seguridad dificulta cada solución que pueda proteger a los Sirios de la brutalidad del tirano que es apoyado por el Gobierno Ruso!
Esto les convierte en aliados del régimen motivándole así a cometer asesinatos de niños, así como destruir la economía, quemar casas, y robar las riquezas del país! Todo aquel que se adentre en las tristes calles sirias solo verá las armas rusas, ya que los tanques, fusiles, ametralladoras, granadas, están a manos de los shabiha (bandas prorégimen) y de las fuerzas represivas del régimen, cuyo único objetivo es sembrar el conflicto étnico en el país. ¿Dónde está la conciencia del gobierno ruso ante los acontecimientos en Siria? ¿Dónde están sus principios, su historia, y su civilización ante todos los asesinatos que han superado los crímenes del régimen nazi?
In Turkish
Rusyanin silahi suriyede esadin çeteleri elinde gündüz gece bizim çocuklarimizi,kadinlarimizi ve yaslilarimizi öldüruyor !rusya hukumeti katil esada manevi desteği nedeniyle BM de sunulan her bir çozum mazlum suriye halki için zalim rusya hukumeti tarafindan engelleniyor…. zalim esad hukumeti rusya hukumetine güvenerek suriye halkini öldürüyor !Bu durmda,çocuklari öldürmeyi ,iktisat bozmayi,evleri yikimayi ,ve zenginlrin servetlerini çalmayi,rusya hukumetini de bu katliamda zalim esad hukumetine ortak olarak gözüktürüyor !simdi biri üzgün suriye yollarina bakarsa,sadece rusya silahlari dikkatni çekecek!tanklar,tabancalar,bombalar,kalsinkovlar,hepsini yollarda görür adi polis adamlarin elinde,sabbihalarin elindedir!Rusya hukumeti suriyedeki olaylardan nerdeyimis!onlarin tarihi,ahlaklari,medeniyeti vs.. nerde….zalim esed hukumeti nazileri bile geçt
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12:11 AM Feb 04 2012 |

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The Viper

The Viper

Dominican Republic

I wanna met a girl who quit smoking!! I know is possible to get it!!

10:01 PM Feb 03 2012 |




sandrita f
, if you’re boring, smoke a cigarette!

09:53 PM Feb 03 2012 |

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sandrita fdez.


someone to talk please??

i’am very boring! Undecided

09:50 PM Feb 03 2012 |

sandrita fdez.


i think that smoke is very bad for health and stop smoking is very very very hard.

i`ve never smoke and i think that i won’t smoke

09:48 PM Feb 03 2012 |

sandrita fdez.


hello! :)

09:45 PM Feb 03 2012 |

Maria del Alba


I’ve never smoked, but I can tell from people who I know who smoke and others who have give it up that the person who really has quitted it is the kind of person who from now on can’t stand people smoking, because just the smell of the cigarrete disturb them; whereas, the people who think that have already given it up but who hadn’t is the kind of people who’s still yearning of the taste of a cigarrete or when have the desire of smoking when something stressful happened to them.

09:19 PM Feb 03 2012 |

jossef 002010


I think..everybody knows that smoking is harmful and kills,and the most of smokers are teenagers ,at first they smoke just for fun and then they find their selves addicted just can’t quit easily ..but that does’nt mean it’s impossible to quit ..we have many examples around us about people who really succeed to quit all they need is strong desire and will and of course support from familly and freinds !
“Your health is priceless ” .

08:22 PM Feb 03 2012 |




willpower  this is truth

08:20 PM Feb 03 2012 |

Mexican Curious


Absolutely correct! You need to have a powerfull fuel to do it.  

07:57 PM Feb 03 2012 |




Marthades  . Pregnant women should not smoke . this is a very important reason  to quit.

07:57 PM Feb 03 2012 |



Whenever I decided to stop smoking it was easy.I think the basic for you is to be motived by a very important reason.

07:48 PM Feb 03 2012 |

i love life

Palestinian Territory, Occupied

Actually I don’t like smokers .

I guess the smoking is the more habit spread between ordinary people , specially between young age.

Must to all Government prevent smoking by all means .

if anyone wants smoking in the public places , He should pay the violation .

I don’t believe anyone he says I cant quit smoking , if you have willpower you can be able passing this issue .

on the other had When my God give us the money we should care of how we can spend the money .

I want to talk about my father , He smoked about 30 years, He was likes smoking , but He exposed to the death , he decided to quit of smoking .

We should punishment  any smoker , We should didn’t treat with them .

as the same time we should participate In the public awareness campaign.

Really when I see some people who are smokers I protest them to smoking arround me .

I dont like the women smokers.

My advice to all smokers specially to those people who still suffer from some disease .

you should stop on the smoking , your life isnt game .

I hope all the best to all people over the world , our health is blessing .

06:57 PM Feb 03 2012 |

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