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Parking Tickets
Parking Tickets

Learn English meaning of ‘parking tickets’

Date: Jul 04 2016

Themes: Time, Travel


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Think about this: You are shopping, and then, you go back to your car. There’s a parking ticket on the dashboard of your car. Oh no! You parked in a regulated zone. You probably feel frustrated. Now, you must pay the government because you parked in the wrong place. What do you do? Do you fight in court, or do you just pay for the ticket?


court n.


Example I got a speeding ticket, and now I have to go to court.

frustrated adj.


Example I'm really frustrated with my math class. I study all the time, but I don't do well on the tests.

dashboard n.


Example They need to remove my dashboard in order to fix the windshield.

zone n.


Example The white zone is for loading and unloading only.

regulate v.


Example We might need to regulate the amount of chocolate that people can bring to work.

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Did you ever get a parking ticket? Do you think parking enforcement is a good idea?


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United States

I was treated to a meal at a restaurant by a high school friend and instead of paying to park in the restaurant’s parking lot, I chose to park on a neighborhood side street.

Well, after the meal we bided each other farewell and I returned to my car on the street. Wouldn’t you know it? I found a $65.00 parking ticket on my windshield.

There went my savings for deciding to park on the side street!

I understand that when there is parking limited spaces tickets may be necessary; however, I wasn’t a Happy Camper receiving one. :(

01:16 AM Jul 05 2016 |

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I haven’t received a lot parking ticket, because I usually use public transportation. Going downtown in rush hours has a lot of problems, including lack of parking space.
Without parking enforcement, traffic jams will worse than they are. Parking enforcement is useful for smoother traffic.

03:53 PM Jul 04 2016 |


GWTASuper Member!


I hate it but it is necessary. Otherwise would be chaos in the City.



Saudi Arabia


10:52 AM Jul 04 2016 |

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A town most likely will look messy without parking enforcement and traffic will get worse. I think parking enforcement is a fair idea. It is part of our responsibilities as a citizen to take care of our place or town for ourselves, our family, friends, and other people, not because we are affraid of the parking officers. The rule is clear. If the parking enforcements get the money, i think it is not that bad and it is not their fault, they didn’t make the rules, their boss did. But it would be more fair if the money of this parking ticket is spent for town development instead of going to personal pocket. 

lizaolamaribel@yahoo.comSuper Member!

United States

I think the parking tickets is a very good because make peop,es to respect the rules

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