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What does "superstar" mean?

Vocabulary Word: superstar

1. Definition (n.) celebrity, popular and well-known person (singer, actor, athlete, etc.)

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2. Definition (n.) person who is very, very good at something

Examples Dan and Steve are superstars. They play basketball, football and baseball!

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3. Definition (n.) very famous person

Examples She became a massive star after her first Hollywood movie.

Examples What would you say if you met a superstar like Eminem?

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4. Definition (n.) a very famous person

Examples There are many stars living in America, but Justin Timberlake is a superstar.

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5. Definition (n.) celebrity, popular and well-known person

Examples Britney Spears is one of the biggest stars in music.

Examples Britney Spears is one of the biggest superstars in music.

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