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What does "case" mean?

Vocabulary Word: case

1. Definition (n.) instance, situation or event related to health or medical issues

Examples There have not been any new cases of SARS in the past few years.

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2. Definition (n.) situation

Examples Wow! You are moving to New York? What’s the deal with that?

Examples In this case, we really should have brought something to eat. I’m hungry and there’s nowhere to eat.

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3. Definition (n.) assignment, thing one has responsibility for, thing one must take care of

Examples There were several officers on the case, so they solved the crime very quickly.

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4. Definition (n.) evidence, an argument in favor of a point of view

Examples She believes she was fired unjustly, but I don’t think she has a case at all.

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5. Definition (n.) investigation, crime that police are working on

Examples My uncle is a detective, and he is working a really difficult case right now.

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