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Life Talk!

Swan Flu attacks non Muslim only


Syrian Arab Republic

  Muslims don’t  eat pig’s meat , because the God  “Allah “ forbidden them to take it , so the real Muslim comply with God instruction and adhere his order .Real Muslim without any protection shall not have HIV/AIDS because he/she have a legal sex” marriage” and not jump from friend to another, God prevented all kinds of relations except the decent real marriage     But Muslims maybe   get infected from sick people.Dear ,  again it’s a miracle of QUARN , Quran admonished believers not to take pigs and not to have only a decent and cleaned relation, otherwise the piad cost is as what you know these days . God has  firmly urged  all human to; firstly  have a deep  insight  in  Quran as it is the last message to all nations ,Secondly , you have  to  be always  vigilant  and don’t let devils of Satan and devils of human misleading 

03:41 AM May 05 2009 |

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"Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good."

V. Vega



11:57 PM May 06 2009 |



matrix  I just told the truth!

I'M NOT TELLING ALL WOMEN are treated or abused!



anyway, this thread is racist and stupid! enough!

amr1970  please delete this thread!

12:01 AM May 07 2009 |



United Kingdom

This is another bullshit postto boast how much ever their religion is than everyone else's.

The funny thing is, its not even justified in this instance.

12:35 AM May 07 2009 |



Okay, For everybody who felt insulted by this "swine flu attacks non-muslims only"

yes Muslims are forebidden from eating pigs' meat but that doesn't mean they're "immuned" and I hope that everybody who's got something to say against muslims, islam and of course "Allah": the LEAST you could do is express your respect first and not insult us OKAY!

01:18 AM May 07 2009 |




matrix, are u really SO weird ?? or u r just pretending??  What do u want from us? should I show u all the results of  laboratorial researches of H1 N1 ?  And how could u prove the fact, that by eating pork people get swine flu..??? it is NOT proven. Until it is not proven this post remain just bla bla bla

gosh…....muslim immunity…..sounds ridiculous

10:04 AM May 07 2009 |




 Malaysia to make halal vaccine

Kuala Lumpur- Malaysia said on Thursday it plans to develop a halal meningitis vaccine jointly with Cuba within the next two years. The 3.6 million ringgit vaccine is aimed at the thousands of Muslims who are infected with the disease during the annual Haj pilgrimage to Mecca, state news agency Bernama reported.

At present, most meningitis vaccines are produced from pig products, which are considered haram, or forbidden, by Muslims, it said.

Source : http://www.news24.com/News24/Technology/News/0,,2-13-1443_2204723,00.html 

10:29 AM May 07 2009 |



"That's absolutely right but it's not applied on pork actually."

My point for that it´s that meat or even fruit or vegetables can be dangerous for humans if they are not cooked and/or cleaned. I mean, pigs are not the source of all evil in this planet, jeje!

01:50 PM May 07 2009 |



"Muslims are forebidden from eating pigs' meat but that doesn't mean they're "immuned"

Thank you!!! You are light in the darkness, hahaha! I agree with you 100%!

"the LEAST you could do is express your respect first and not insult us OKAY"

Better to think well the topic of this post, don´t you think many non-muslims could have felt ofended by this?? As it were right to take swine flu as punishment?

01:55 PM May 07 2009 |



weird, stupid, dumb,...

what is the use of all these words? can't you talk in a better way? hmm… I dont understand humans… :S

04:06 PM May 07 2009 |