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What does "dude" mean?

Vocabulary Word: dude

2. Definition (n.) man; friend (usually for men only)

Examples Hey, dude, let’s go out tonight!

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3. Definition (n.) guy; man (slang)

Examples I was a little scared when I saw a dude staring into my window last night.

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4. Definition (n.) friend; buddy; man
(used to address males only)

Examples Hey, dude, let’s go to the movies tonight.

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5. Definition (expr.) another way of saying “Hey Man”

6. Definition (expr.) used to address a male friend.

Examples Dude did you see how fast he was going?

7. Definition (expr.) another way of saying “Hey Man”

Examples Dude, which party did you go to this weekend?

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United States

That dude is driving like a maniac! 

12:29 PM Apr 29 2013 |

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